What is RAPSI?

A form of Psycho-Spiritual Integration that focuses on integrating all our energy, soul, mind and spirit. It uses words as a tool to connect with the energy behind them, going beyond the limitations of language to reach a deeper understanding. While many psychotherapies strive for this, they may get stuck in the stories and thoughts of the mind. RAPSI® aims to use words to transcend their surface meaning and achieve a greater sense of integration.

The Counseling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) in the UK has recognized this approach and included it as a new category called psycho-spiritual integration in their practitioner training certification program.

How does it work?

Psycho-spiritual integration helps clients identify the root cause of their issues and guides them through inner healing processes to release and integrate trapped or disembodied energy and emotions. This leads to a sense of peace, symptom relief, and freedom, and marks the end of a long journey towards healing and self-acceptance. It is the beginning of a new phase in life, where the client is fully present and on the runway of life ready to take off and fully succeed with their desired goals.

Three Simple Steps

Fill in the questionnaire

30-minute call with us

Have your first
RAPSI® session

Who we work with


We help individuals identify and and locate their challenges, find the source of their missing energy, and guide them to full integration and radiating their energy fully.


We help families find their current strengths and missing energies, and individually reach integration and jointly build new futures, together.


We work with professionals to help them invent new futures, find what stops them and remove blocks and barriers to success, providing coaching, as needed.


We work with companies to help them improve the well-being and productivity of their employees and empower their leaders, providing consulting, as needed.

We specialize in three main types of radiance blockers

Doing life, feeling less than

Struggling in life, missing joy, feeling hurts, wanting freedom.

Seeking more breakthroughs

A degree of success, but realizing there is more to find, managing-self.

Brilliant chaos

Having  material success, but too much on their plate is causing them to lose control and may lead to chaos, burnout, relationship difficulties, and a feeling that wealth is not enough.

Problems we help with

Low self-esteem
Family and relationship issues
Suicidal tendencies
Childhood trauma
Adult trauma

What to expect

Locating and freeing missing energy which has been signaling through negative feelings, withheld performances, poor relationships or low self-esteem.

Getting to the source of symptoms (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, physical problems, etc.), negative behavior, or removing a struggle pattern.

Guiding you through soul retrieval process, recovering lost or hidden vitality, showing you how to reconnect with yourself, clearing a childhood trauma, family or ancestral pattern.

How your self-transformation will look and feel

You’ll experience a sense of connectedness and a clear sense sense of purpose in life. Finding peace in your sense of connection and magnetizing to others and your purpose in life.

You’ll achieve a sense of wholeness and a purposeful life, leading to feelings of fulfillment, actions, rewards, and peace and contentment.

You’ll discover balance in life by focusing on being rather than doing. Using quantum law of attraction to positively influence the world and leave a meaningful legacy.

9 facts you need to know

Science tells us that everything in the universe is energy and connected. Our job is to fully experience it our  within ourselves.
We are energy beings, who experience our energy fragmenting to protect ourselves.
Those fragments are held inside or float outside our bodies, or both.
The energy fragments can become frozen like a clenched fist, so we do not feel them.
Energy signals its desperation through negative feelings, symptoms, and even ill health.
We often mask symptoms with activities, medication, risky behaviors, external stimulants, or rituals.
We can seek answers and follow practices to integrate spirituality and improve ourselves, but may fail if we cannot locate, fully integrate and radiate all our energy.
You can journey into your internal universe, find the light source, release, embody it, and radiate it as free-flowing energy.
You too can become a radiance in this world. Everything starts by finding and radiating all your energy/light, so that you and the light knows what it means to be fully human.

Power4Good & The RAPSI® Revolution

In 2023, we are re-launching our Power4Good Community; launching The RAPSI® Revolution, and The RAPSI® Institute.We will be inviting membership, offering community and services and the opportunity to become a Power4Good in the world, healing individuals, families and communities

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*everything discussed in session is confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where disclosure is required by law.

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